It’s important to read seed packages. Why? Well, there’s a lot of great information on the package that can help you be successful in growing the plant. However, not every seed seller lists the same information. I find it interesting to see how the various seed sellers describe how to grow the plant. In this post, I will guide you through understanding information on seed packages from 4 different seed sellers.
Before we begin, let’s take a look at what is required on seed packages. In the United States, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has defined seed package labeling requirements via the Part 201 Federal Seed Act. As we look at the information on seed packages, I will point out the requirements under this Act (current as of March 31, 2021). There is a specific section within this act that describes the requirements of vegetable seed packets. Here is a summary of the requirements:
- The name of the plant and the specific variety and whether the variety is a hybrid (kind, variety, and hybrid).
- Seed packages that contain a mixture of different plant seeds must be labeled as such. For example, I routinely purchase a lettuce mixture. This means that there are different varieties of lettuce seeds within the packet. In this case, ‘mixture’ must appear on the label (vegetable mixtures).
- Germination percentages are only required if the germination percentage is less than the standard defined by the USDA.
- A germination test date must be on the label when the germination percentage is present.
- The lot number is required when purchasing one or more pounds of seed.
- Noxious weed seed type and the percentage is required when the seed packages is one or more pounds.
Common information on seed packages
Besides the required information, as defined by the USDA, there is also additional information that every gardener needs. I have included definitions of this information.
- Days to Germinate – Usually listed as a range and provides guidance on how long it will take for the seed to germinate (e.g.; for the first seed leaves to emerge).
- Days to Harvest – This important piece of information tells you how many days until you can expect to harvest. Calculated from the time of transplant or from when the first set of true leaves appear when direct seeding.
- Seed spacing indicates how far apart seeds should be planted.
- Seed planting depth refers to how deep to plant a seed.
- Thining is the process of removing and discarding seedlings that are growing too close together based upon the seed spacing requirements.
- Seed packaging date is the date on which the seeds were packaged by the seed company. This information is important when you want to determine how old the seeds are inside the package.
Burpee Seed Company
What I like about the Burpee seed packages is that they are consistent. Once you understand the information, you can pick up any Burpee seed package and the same information is present. Burpee seeds can be found at various retail locations along with online ordering.

This is what the front of a typical Burpee seed packages looks like. Here, you have the following information:
- Burpee – the name of the seed company
- Organic – description of the type of seed (e.g.; organic seed)
- Arugula – the vegetable common name
- Rocket – the variety of Arugula
- Picture of the vegetable at maturity

This is what the back of a typical Burpee seed package looks like. I have highlighted four sections on the back of the seed package. Let’s take a look at each:
- The first section contains a written description of the vegetable seed. There is some valuable information in this description. Full sun is required. Arugula is grown in cool weather of early spring or late summer. Most importantly, the fact that seedlings should emerge in 7-14 days after planting.
- This second section repeats some information from the first section, using visuals. However, there are a few new pieces of information.
- Days to Harvest – In this case, 35 days.
- Thining – Plants need to be 6 inches apart.
- Container Friendly – This is great information if you are planting in a small space or container. In a 12 inch container, you can have 4 arugula plants.
- The map is a nice feature because you can look at your state and determine the right time of year for planting arugula. As mentioned earlier, Arugula is a cool-season crop. If I were gardening in Florida, then I could plant Arugula between Jan-Apr and Aug-Nov.
- The bottom of the seed package indicates when the seed was packaged (11/21), the lot number (2), and the seed origin (USA).
Seed Savers Exchange
A catalog and online seed company, Seed Savers Exchange has a mission to ‘..collect, grow and share heirloom seeds and plants’.

Let’s compare the information that Seed Savers supplies for growing Arugula with the information from Burpee. First, you can see, the front of the seed package is similar to Burpee.
- Seed Savers Exchange– the name of the seed company
- Arugula – the vegetable common name
- Apollo– the variety of Arugula
- Picture of the vegetable at maturity

Again, similar to Burpee, Seed Savers uses the back of their seed package for the growing information. As you can see, it’s a bit different from Burpee. While Burpee relies upon pictures to convey information, Seed Savers relies mostly on text.
- First, we find the date on which the seeds were packed and the sell-by-date. I appreciate companies that provide this information even though it is not required by the USDA.
- An overall description of the variety and what you can expect as this variety grows. In addition, this section lists the days to maturity 40-45.
- This section contains lots of great information including how close seeds should be planted when direct seeding (1″ apart), seed depth when planting (1/4 inch), germination days (5-7), and thinning requirements (1-6 inches apart).
- Lastly, general instructions for when to plant and sun requirements.
Johnny’s Seed Company
With their headquarters in Maine, Johnny’s Seed Company is a catalog and online ordering based seed company.

What I like about Johnny’s seed packages is they list some really helpful information. Johnny’s uses both the front and the back of the seed package to convey useful information. First, let’s look at the front of the seed package.
- This package of seeds contains Sweet Pea flower seeds. Notice that the label indicates ‘Elegance Formula Mix’. Per the USDA seed guidelines, seed mixes must be labeled.
- Days to maturity. In the case of these seeds, it’s 75-80 days. Right under the days to maturity, the height of the flowers is listed 60-72 inches high.
- Because this package contains flower seeds, Johnny’s indicates that these are ‘Annual‘ flowers as opposed to ‘Perennial’ flowers.

The back of the seed package is where Johnny’s growing information really stands out.
- I love this ‘notice to purchaser‘. If you have children and/or pets, it’s important to know that this plant is poisonous.
- Culture is another great piece of information. For the best germination, it is recommended that these seeds are soaked 24 hours prior to planting.
- Growing Tips are helpful. In the case of Sweet Peas, it’s recommended to ‘pinch’ when 6-8 inches tall.
- Harvest when half the flowers on the stem are open. Again, a great piece of information.
The information above is priceless and I appreciate the effort of Johnny’s to include it on the seed package. In addition to this information, the back also contains the common information we expect to find such as:
- Direct seed and transplant requirements.
- Germination times
- Light and soil requirements
High Mowing Seed Company
Based in Vermont, High Mowing Seeds is a catalog and online ordering-based seed company. In addition, they only seed certified organic seed.

High Mowing Seed Company has taken the approach of putting all the growing information on the front of the seed package. Nothing special, however, all the required information is present. Occasionally, the High Mowing seed package will be set up similar to Seed Savers and Burpee.
- Days to harvest (68 in the case of basil)
- Planting information including when to plant, seed planting depth, seed spacing requirements.
- Seed germination percentage (81%) and germination testing date (1/2018).
- Noxious weed seed notice (as required by the USDA).

On the back of most High Mowing seed packages is information about the company. There is no growing information.
In summary
Understanding information on seed packages can save you time and help you become a better home gardener. Most seed companies provide the basic information and all need to provide the information dictated by law.
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