When I first started seedlings indoors, I used a very simple approach and no special tools. With this simple approach, I had some success but not good success. The basics were in place: seeds, containers and a good planting medium (e.g. soil). Seed trays were placed on the floor in my kitchen, in front of a sliding glass door, and watered as needed. As the orientation in my kitchen is north/west the area received afternoon sunlight. I watched as the young seedlings struggled to grow and bent toward the light. Starting seedlings with this approach was not great.
As I started attending workshops and reading about seed planting, I realized that by adding a few simple tools, I could have a higher probability of success and healthier transplants. Below, I share four tools that I now use. These tools have transformed my seed starting process and I have higher germination rates and much healthier plants. The following tools will ensure that your seedlings have what they need to grow: correct temperature, right amount of light, good air flow and the right moisture.
If you would like more information on starting plants from seeds, you can reference my blog post titled “The complete guide to starting seeds indoors“.
To create a garden without love is to build a house of bricks without mortar.
Roberto Burle Marx